Edas Upload Failed the Review Manuscript Cannot Be Longer Than 1 Page

Steps in Submitting papers

For nigh conferences, papers go through the following steps:

  1. One of the authors "registers" the paper, providing the paper title, abstract and, if configured for the conference, a set of paper topics and keywords. This registration needs to take place before the registration deadline configured for each rail. Chairs can annals a paper on behalf of the authors at any time. The person creating the paper entry does not have to be an author; this can happen if an assistant registers a paper. In one case the newspaper has been registered, it is labeled "pending".
  2. The creator of the paper entry tin can add together whatsoever number of authors to the newspaper. All authors take equal status; there is no special "correspondence author".
  3. Whatsoever of the authors uploads the manuscript for review, typically a PDF file. Once the manuscript has been submitted, the paper becomes "agile".
  4. The paper tin can be withdrawn by the authors or the chair.
  5. During the review procedure, the paper can be labeled "discuss" or "need more reviews". Neither of these designations is visible to authors; they continue to encounter the newspaper equally "agile".
  6. After decisions are fabricated, the paper is designated as "accepted", "rejected", "pocket-sized revision", "major revision" or as the conference-specific accept or reject status.
  7. The final condition becomes visible to authors, forth with the reviews, once email notifications have been sent out.

Alternatively, some conferences let the submission of a curt abstract before they review the full manuscript. In that case, the configuration and differs a bit:

  1. Create two new paper condition values (using Briefing:Configure, "Paper status"), such equally "abstruse" and "abstract_accepted".
  2. Edit the file type "Extended abstract" in Conference:Tracks equally appropriate, making sure that "Only for papers that are" is set to "pending" and "abstract".
  3. Edit the file blazon "Review manuscript" in Conference:Tracks to include the status values includes "abstract accustomed".
  1. As earlier, authors submit basic newspaper data such as title and keywords, and add authors to the newspaper record. The paper is considered "awaiting" at that bespeak.
  2. Authors can then submit a PDF or plain-text abstract, with the maximum folio count and deadline configured in the rail configuration. The briefing needs sets up a new paper status, such as "abstract", that labels papers that accept abstracts.
  3. The chairs can accept and refuse abstracts. Authors can submit regular papers for papers with accepted abstracts (e.g., by creating a paper status "abstract accepted"); no further action is permitted for papers that are rejected at that point. Once a PDF file has been submitted, the paper becomes agile and can go through some other review process ("full paper"), earlier being accepted or rejected.

Authors of accepted papers can then submit final manuscripts before the final paper deadline.

Listing Papers

You tin can see all papers under "Papers/Listing all papers". You tin so click on the newspaper number to see a detailed view.

Manuscript (PDF) Problems

EDAS can observe a variety of common manuscript problems for PDF files, from margin violations to inapplicable page headers and font embedding issues. The PDF settings should follow the dimensions given in the author template, just it is helpful to leave authors a little bit of slack on margins, e.g., near 0.1 cm or 0.05 inches, since the PDF file generated by Word or LaTeX sometimes writes into the margins by a small-scale corporeality. The track configuration allows to configure some of the tests, and whether failing will preclude uploading of the concluding manuscript.

A typical configuration for IEEE-formatted papers is shown beneath:

IEEE format

When manuscript problems are detected during upload, the submitting author will run into the error message on the web page and all authors get the emailed summary in their submission confirmation email.

If a reviewer reports a manuscript trouble, it is immediately reported past email to the advisable parties, i.e., authors, chair (if configured via Conference/Configure), publication chair (if configured) and the special manuscript problem email address.

Chairs and publication chairs tin can listing the current gear up of problems for active or accustomed papers at Papers:Manuscript problems. If a problem report is a faux alarm, the chair or publication chair can clear the error study via the cancellation icon in the manuscript problem list.

Authors tin can be reminded via the Papers:Remind authors office.

Paper Country and Status

Every paper in EDAS is in one of 4 newspaper states: active, accepted, rejected or withdrawn. Active papers are in submission or under review. Conferences tin create any number of paper status labels for the active, accepted and rejected states. For example, conferences might create "modest revision" and "major revision" condition values. (Multiple status values for "withdrawn" probably doesn't brand a lot of sense.) By default, EDAS creates the following paper status:

Condition State Explanation
pending agile Initial status; authors can submit manuscripts if before the rails newspaper submission deadline.
agile active Paper has manuscript or extended abstract and is reviewable.
accepted accustomed Paper has been accepted for presentation or publication.
rejected rejected Paper has been rejected.
noshow active This status is created by default but for IEEE conferences. The newspaper was non presented at the conference; no-bear witness papers can be either in evaluation (default), excused (will exist included in the digital library), error (marked erroneously as noshow) and 'dontpublish'.
published accustomed Papers with state 'accepted' volition be converted automatically to 'published' after the finish of the conference. This will trigger, for example, their inclusion in the docoloc similarity checker and online BibTeX bibliography.
withdrawn withdrawn The paper was withdrawn by the writer, conference chairs or journal editors.

The paper status is used to restrict what kinds of files can be uploaded. For example, a conference will probable restrict uploading of presentation files to accepted papers.

Each paper condition can define whether it triggers an e-mail notification to the authors, via Reviews:Notify authors.

Paper Overview Page

The principal paper overview folio, attainable from the paper listing or the individual paper option, shows the basic paper information such as title and abstract as well as reviews. From there, yous can upload late or corrected papers, see if the paper has manuscript (PDF) problems, add reviewers, move the paper to a different rails or conference, and have, withdraw or reject the newspaper. The page also contains reviews and the paper log, identifying all deportment that have been taken for the paper.

Prohibited Author List

For IEEE conferences, EDAS checks authors against the prohibited author list. EDAS receives the current list each month and thus, there is no demand for chairs to provide the current list.

Similarity Detection

EDAS automatically checks papers for similarity using one of ii similarity checkers: IEEE conferences utilize ithenticate, while non-IEEE conferences apply docoloc. (IEEE provides the funding for the use of ithenticate.) Papers are checked after the submission deadline, to avert re-checking the same paper multiple times every bit authors update the paper. This also makes it harder for authors intent on plagiarism to try to artificially lower their similarity score past obscuring similarities.


Source: https://edas.info/doc/papers.html

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